Friday, May 13, 2011


Fenway "Pachoo" Hodjat, K9phd
ABC Advice Columnist
Dear Pachoo,

My mom and dad say that I’m not getting enough exercise. What kind of exercises do you recommend I try?   

From Oliver in North Raleigh

Dear Oliver,

Find a nice comfy spot in the house and enjoy a snoozie doozie!  That’s what I would do.  My sister Pumpkin, who is a boxer, enjoys sunbathing.  Neither of those options is considered exercise though.  My brother Prince, who’s a border collie, loves to chase birds, rabbits and squirrels.  Sometimes, my dad takes us out and throws a ball for us.  The most fun thing my mom and dad do with us is taking us for a walk.  Sometimes our friend Laurie comes over and takes us on walks too.  Sometimes my brother and sister go for runs with my mom and dad, but I can’t keep up, so I stay home and watch the house.  Prince and Pumpkin always come back huffing and puffing after going for a run.  They say it helps relax them.  I’ve never had a problem relaxing, but to each his/her own, I guess.  Our vet tells us that running is the best form of exercise for a dog.   He tells my dad that there are a lot of benefits of running with a dog (see his article, Born to Run).  Sometimes moms and dads don’t have enough time to take us for walks or runs.  They have to take care of human responsibilities, so they hire my dad, Laurie, and other really cool friends from All Breed Care to help.  I’ve met them all, and I can tell you that they are all super awesome walking/running buddies. Go grab your leash and ask your mom or dad to take you for a walk or run.  If they’re busy, ask them to call my dad.


Fenway “Pachoo” Hodjat, K9phd
ABC Advice Columnist

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